Making A Difference

Part of nurturing students to become responsible, capable adults is giving them the opportunity to serve a cause bigger than themselves. 

Through the initiatives they participate in, students learn how to manage projects, create community partnerships and engage in reflective and critical thinking in relation to their experiences. Ultimately, this gives them a broader view of the world and nurtures a dedication to lifelong learning.

Some of the charities we are glad to be supporting include:


National Heart Foundation

The Heart Foundation of Malaysia is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation dedicated to the education of the public on heart and circulatory diseases. The Foundation's heart-health message is direct and effective - enjoy healthy eating, exercise, be smoke-free and check your blood pressure regularly.

Ephratha Orphanage

It is non-profit making organization that supports the education, health and stay of orphanage children. Pertubuhan Kebajikan Ephratha Rawang is a registered society and a social service organization. It was established in 2005. Ephratha Orphanage houses children and youths between 7 months to 18 years of age. About 30 children live in this home.