A Typical Day at Straits International School

Our students benefit from a varied and exciting school programme, building a foundation for academic achievement and physical, social and emotional development.

No matter your child’s age, they will benefit from a school environment that is best suited for growth inside and outside the classroom.

From the start of the school day until the closing bell, they will be engaged by a variety of subjects and teaching methods designed to drive their academic, physical, social and emotional development. All throughout, their teachers will provide a guiding hand while encouraging them to persevere through the struggles they face and reach breakthroughs in their learning.

Here’s a quick look at what a typical day would be like for your child at Straits International School Rawang.

Mondays till Fridays

Early Years
Besides gaining early literacy and maths skills, a typical class session will involve play-based activities with friends. This proven approach teaches your child to share, communicate and cooperate in a fun and engaging manner. Story time and teacher-guided discussions are other regular features of the school day, helping your child learn about the world around them and develop critical thinking skills.
07:45 – 08:00am Registration
08:00am - 2:15pm Lessons
2:30pm - 3:20pm* Co-Curricular Activities (optional)
* staggered finishing between 2:30pm – 3:20pm. No CCA on Mondays & Fridays
Your child begins to enter a more structured learning process at this stage. Throughout the school day, they will study a broad and balanced curriculum which includes mathematics, science subjects, languages and the humanities, and will be encouraged to form linkages in their learning between these subjects. Teachers will regularly assess your child to ensure that they are making healthy progress, not just academically but in life skills such as responsibility, independence and critical thinking.
07:45 – 08:00am Registration
08:00am - 2:30pm Lessons
2:30pm - 3:20pm* Co-Curricular Activities
* staggered finishing between 2:30pm – 3:20pm. No CCA on Mondays & Fridays
As students prepare to enter the wider world, we encourage them to ask questions and seek their own answers. We also challenge them to take more responsibility over their personal growth and academic achievement, in preparation for their future success as independent, responsible adults. Teachers play a major role in creating an environment that offers students the support they need, taking on a mentoring role to help them work through any questions and issues they may have in this journey towards maturity.
07:45 – 08:00am Registration
08:00am - 2:30pm Lessons
2:30pm - 3:20pm* Co-Curricular Activities
* staggered finishing between 2:30pm – 3:20pm. No CCA on Mondays & Fridays