School Fees

Fee Structure

School Fees 2024-2025 Academic Year

Pay before the Entrance Assessment
No. Fee Year Group Amount (RM) Payment Description
1 Application Fee ALL 1,000 One-time Non-refundable
Pay after received an Acceptance Offer Letter
2 Registration Fee Early Years 6,000 One-time Non-refundable
Primary School 7,000
Secondary School 8,000
3 Security Deposit ALL 8,000 One-time Deposits are refundable provided the withdrawal form is securely received by the Admissions Office before the start of the leaving term.
4 Technology Fee Year 3 – Year 11 2,000 One-time
5 Locker Deposit ALL 50 One-time Refundable for withdrawals with sufficient notice OR upon graduation when the locker key is returned. If the locker key is lost or not returned, this deposit will not be refunded.
6 Cyber Security Fee ALL 250 Per Annum Online Safety Technology
7 Resource Fee Nursery – Year 2 1,000 Per Annum Covers all teaching resources and materials.

Does not include student textbooks, exercise books and story books.

Year 3 – Year 6 1,200
Year 7 – Year 9 1,500
Year 10 – Year 11 1,800

Nursery 5,561 16,683
Reception 6,299 18,897
Year 1 7,967 23,901
Year 2 7,967 23,901
Year 3 9,476 28,428
Year 4 9,476 28,428
Year 5 9,476 28,428
Year 6 10,739 32,217
Year 7 11,991 35,973
Year 8 11,991 35,973
Year 9 13,885 41,655
Year 10 15,568 41,655
Year 11 24,996 (Fees for 2 terms) 49,992